- I lived at the University of Houston for 8 weeks.
- I moved...twice.
- I turned 30.
- I got married.
- I had my name changed.
- I went on my honeymoon...1 week in beautiful Hawaii.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
In Memory of Our Dirty-Word Poetry Magnets
Oh...dirty-word poetry magnets....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Random Bits and Favors
Wedding preparations
Packing for our move on May 28
Facilitation of a new staff training
Conference calls
Checking-in with my staff members
Getting ready to leave for and help run the 8 week 24/7 training that I have worked all year to prepare for
Working out with my trainer
My health, diet, and weight (so tired of bitching about this one)
Hunting the lizard in our apartment
Getting my tan on...
The list goes on, but even at this point I am bored with myself. Anyways...speaking of the wedding, we finally landed on a favor for the the guests. Beautiful glass wine stoppers from http://www.beau-coup.com/. I really think they will be the perfect gift given that my future mother-in-love will be preparing a 5 course dinner w/ wine pairings. I know...she is super-fabulous.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hide & Seek
I am not ready to hear that it is in fact cancer, but I'm also not prepared to hear that it is not. No...I do not wish for my mother to have cancer, but what I do want is an answer for her deterioration that goes beyond the drug use. I need for her suffering and my mourning to stop...I need an ending. I am constantly mourning the loss of my mother, and the reality is that I lost her a long time ago. I need to stop hiding in this dark mourning dress. When I finally do make it through the layers of black silk and french netting what will I find? According to my personal trainer a pretty hot bod...that is, if I'd stop hiding from him. But beyond the string bikini....will I find relief...happiness...comfort...myself?
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Day After Mother's Day
In the spirit of funny...this always makes me laugh.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Drowning in Velveeta

Monday, March 2, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Father and The Other "F" Word
What I am struggling with is that my dad is refusing any in-home health care for my mom. The bastard "doesn't need any help". Well tough shit mother-fucker this isn't about you...this is about my mother. Such a hard concept to grasp when your head is so far up your ass and your nose is so full of Oxy that you think the entire world revolves around you. Clearly, this makes me feel nothing but hate for him. It makes me want to call him every mother-fucking nasty name I can fucking think of. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
It Always Starts The Same Way...

Friday, January 23, 2009
The Winds of Change
Returning to my job after a 2+ months family medical leave of absence has been a bit of a challenge. Trying to figure out where to pick-up and definitely feeling the learning curve blues. In short, it's like I have shown up 45 minutes late for a marathon that I not only have to run and finish, but win. The people ahead of me are on 'roids, and I unfortunately still have a Twinkie in one hand....and are those weights around my waist? Oh...no...just my muffin-top. See what I'm sayin'?
So there has been that. In addition, I have been in search of some balance in my life. I'm seeing a dietitian, going to the gym, still adjusting my meds, attending couples therapy, individual therapy, getting financial guidance, trying a new church, starting a book club, running a social meetup site, trying to get ahead of the wedding planning, and last but not least still working on that mother-fucking detachment thing! As you can see, my search for balance during the month of January has turned into me digging a giant hole for myself. Now how am I supposed to run, finish, and win that damn marathon when I am in a GD hole?
I will figure this out. As a good friend pointed out, I need to PUT THE SHOVEL DOWN and stop digging my own grave. The shovel is down, but I may still be holding a spoon. The Winds of Change are still blowing, but the hurricane is over. I think I will step outside and enjoy the light breeze on my face.
Love & Sparkles-
The Sparkly Queen
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When Awake True Life Hurts
Oh...wait...can I just tell you what Emily's father-in-law did today? (That's what I am calling my dad these days. It helps with the detachment.) As many of you know, I now handle my mother's finances...and since my dad remains unemployed, the government requires that I send him money every month. Gross right? Anyways, long story short, last month he needed his money sooner than my online bill pay could get it there...so I being the nice daughter that I am...purchased a cashiers check over the phone and authorized him to pick it up at the local branch. I of course, put an immediate stop payment on the other check which he promised to destroy once it arrived.
Well guess who called me today friends? Ummm...the bank. My dad deposited the check with the stop payment and has been spending it. Good lord! I mean #1. What kind of dumbass accepts a check w/ a stop payment on it? This was a check written off of their own bank. #2. What in the hell did he think he was doing? Did he think he was going to scam $800 off of me (actually my mother?) People, this makes me pissed everytime I think about it. I need to woosah that shit in a serious way.
Ok...for real yo...back to True Life...somehow it makes me seem a little less cray-cray. But just a little.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome to 2009
- Turning thirty. Yes...the big 3 - 0.
- Getting married.
- Legally changing my last name.
- Piercing my labia majora.
Ok...number 4 was a lie...I just wanted to use the the words "labia" and "majora."
With that said, I feel the need to be super cliche and kick-off my year of blogs in 2009 by listing my resolutions...drum roll please!
1. PAY OFF MY DEBT: Of course this does not include my school loans or car, but close enough. I will also start saving, and I will stick to my budget.
2. GET HEALTHY, FIT, & SVELTE: I recently came to the realization that my grandmother died at 53 of heart-failure, and my mom lost her damn mind before she even made it to 50. I don't want to be dead or crazy-town-USA in 20 years or so big that I have to be cut out of my own house like that woman in the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I will change my lifestyle not for the opportunity to wear that slutty-out-of-style tube-top I bought on clearance for $10 at American Eagle back in 1998, but I will do it because I want to live a very long life for myself, for Emily, and the family we will one day have.
3. TALK LESS - PRAY MORE: Enough said.
4. COMMIT TO MY GROWTH IN IN AL-ANON: It's so totally way beyond time for that.
5. LOVE EMILY FIERCELY EVERYDAY: I am so blessed to have Emily in my life. I will never take a single day for granted.
7. TRY SOMETHING NEW: This could be anything from writing my memoir to brushing my teeth 3 times a day instead of 2.
Wish me luck, and I look forward to sharing my year with you!Lots of Love & Sparkles-
The Sparkly Queen
Em looking like a fly-honey! How could a girl not say "Yes!"